Education for Adaptive reuse – the TU Delft Heritage and Architecture Experience





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


The Section for Heritage and Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology specializes in architectural education for adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, with a specific focus on the built heritage of the 20th century. Our approach combines architectural design and technological knowledge with an approach that places values as central informants. Here we present our approach, explore the past and project a future evolution of our educational methodology. Finally, we reflect on the lasting relevance of the tangible and intangible heritage of the recent past as aim and source of our educational practice.

How to Cite

Clarke, N., Zijlstra, H., & Jonge, W. D. (2019). Education for Adaptive reuse – the TU Delft Heritage and Architecture Experience. Docomomo Journal, (61), 67–75.




Author Biographies

Nicholas Clarke, Delft University of Technology

(b. South-Africa, 1976) Lecturer and PhD researcher, HA, TU Delft, studied architecture at the University of Pretoria and Cambridge University. His architectural practice focuses on adaptive reuse. Nicholas is an ICOMOS specialist on World Heritage and has co-authored award-winning publications on architectural history and adaptive reuse as strategy.

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment/Heritage & Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Juliana Avenue 134, Delft, The Netherlands; [email protected]. (Corresponding author)

Hielkje Zijlstra, Delft University of Technology

(b. The Netherlands, 1962) Associate Professor. Heritage & Design, HA, TU Delft; PhD in Architecture and Building Technology [2006] has engaged in Masters’ and Doctorate education since 2001. She served as secretary of docomomo-NL (2006–8), Section Leader of HA (2015–18) and as guest Professor at the Kyoto University of Technology (2017).

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment/Heritage & Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Juliana Avenue 134, Delft, The Netherlands; [email protected].

Wessel De Jonge, Delft University of Technology

(b. The Netherlands, 1957) Full Professor, Heritage & Design, HA, TU Delft) is an architect and the founding secretary of docomomo International. He is a prominent protagonist of the preservation of the Modern Movement. His adaptive reuse projects include the World Heritagelisted Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam and Sanatorium Zonnestraal in Hilversum, the Netherlands.

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment/Heritage & Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Juliana Avenue 134, Delft, The Netherlands; [email protected].


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