Bauhaus and Lina Bo Bardi: from the modern factory to the Pompeia leisure center


  • Renato Anelli IAU USP




Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


The importance of Bauhaus to Lina Bo Bardi is herein analyzed from two perspectives. One that follows her trajectory from the industrial design course she taught at MASP to its critique, searching in the Brazilian Northeastern popular culture for sources of renewal. The second one focuses on the project of adapting a factory to be used as a leisure center in São Paulo. In addition to valuing the rationality of the factory architecture built in the first phase of Brazilian industrialization, its preservation encompassed, in order for the building to be used for leisure purposes, interventions that altered the disciplinary attributes of the space. The design was conceived as part of the architecture, discarding its serial reproduction.

How to Cite

Anelli, R. (2019). Bauhaus and Lina Bo Bardi: from the modern factory to the Pompeia leisure center. Docomomo Journal, (61), 42–49.




Author Biography

Renato Anelli, IAU USP

(b. Brazil, 1959). Architect and Urbanist (PUCCAMP, 1982), holds a Master degree in History (UNICAMP, 1990), and a Doctorate (USP, 1995). Professor at IAU USP (São Carlos). Author of Rino Levi, Arquitetura e Cidade (Romano Guerra, 2001); Architettura Contemporanea: Brasile (Italy, Motta, 2008/2012; and France, Actes Sud, 2009), Casas de Vidro (Romano Guerra, 2018).


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