Sanatoriums in Europe: Build Heritage and Transformation Strategies





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Sanatoriums are an emblematic program of the Modern Movement in architecture. Prolifically built in Europe between 1900 and 1950, they constitute today a remarkable architectural heritage whose technical, functional and spatial qualities are well documented. Since the decline of tuberculosis after the WWII, those sanatoriums that were not demolished have been constantly transformed and reused. Although iconic sanatoriums benefited from meticulous restoration, guided by precise historical and technical knowledge, much remains to be done to explore and develop the reuse potential of these buildings.

How to Cite

Grandvoinnet, P. (2021). Sanatoriums in Europe: Build Heritage and Transformation Strategies. Docomomo Journal, (62), 44–51.







Author Biography

Phillipe Grandvoinnet, Grenoble Alpes University

(France, 1978) Architect (Versailles School of Architecture, 2002) and historian of architecture. His PhD on sanatoriums (Universities of Geneva and Versailles, 2010) was rewarded by the Académie d’architecture in Paris and published in 2014 (Architecture thérapeutique: Histoire des sanatoriums en France 1900-1945, Geneva, MetisPresses). As an architect and urban planner of the State he was successively architecte des bâtiments de France, head of the Bureau for Architectural Research (Ministry of Culture, Paris) and since 2018 director of teaching and learning at Grenoble School of Architecture (Grenoble Alpes University).


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