Svetlovodsk: Realized Urban Utopia of the USSR. A Revitalization Strategy for the Small Post-Soviet Monocity


  • Vladislav Tyminski
  • Anna Kamyshan




Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


The article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems for the former Soviet Union - the problem of survival and development of the small mono–industry towns. The aim of this work is the actualization of the problem of survival and development of the small post–Soviet towns - the unique urban artifacts of the Soviet industrial utopia. Svetlovodsk that was created in the 60’s of the twentieth century during ‘Khrushchev’s Thaw’ gave the example for the analysis of the specificity of small towns in Ukraine. The strategy of the development of this type of towns has been described in the article.

How to Cite

Tyminski, V., & Kamyshan, A. (2012). Svetlovodsk: Realized Urban Utopia of the USSR. A Revitalization Strategy for the Small Post-Soviet Monocity. Docomomo Journal, (46), 80–82.





Documentation Issues


Author Biography

Vladislav Tyminski

Vladislav Tyminski graduated at the Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture in 2011. He is the author of five research articles and participant of three international conferences. A theme of his current research is the urban strategies of the development of small post–Soviet cities, on which his diploma work was based.


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