ODAM and the Construction of a Modern Spirit


  • Edite Rosa FAAULP





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


The ODAM as divulger of modern architecture in Porto comprehends from the scope of teaching, professional practice, to its internationalization, as attests the participation of its members in CIAM´s congresses from 1951. Its production, written manifestos, projects and builds, reveal its universal character through the deployment of Modern spirit, in the statement of a collective conscience of architectural practice, but also, affirms its local condition as its differentiator value. This retrospective and critical reading of the specific ODAM discourse as part of broader context that characterizes Modern Architecture (re)affirms its character simultaneously universal and singular.

How to Cite

Rosa, E. (2012). ODAM and the Construction of a Modern Spirit. Docomomo Journal, (46), 76–79. https://doi.org/10.52200/46.A.2I9RX69W





Documentation Issues


Author Biography

Edite Rosa, FAAULP

FAUP, Architect degree (1991), Scholarship Investigator of FCT, DEA of the ETSAB (2000) and Ph.D in Architecture of Catalonia Polytechnical University (2006). Actually I&D projects investigator of CITAD and CEAU/FAUP. Since 1994 Professor of Architectural Project Design, Theory, and Thesis at FAAULP. She works in several public and private projects with Álvaro Siza since 1991 and in her own studio, er&ja arq, since 1997.


AA.VV, Troisième Congrès de l’Union Internationale des Architectes: Rapport Final, Lisbon, Librairie Portugal, 1953.

Barbosa, Cassiano (Compilação) ODAM: Organização dos Arquitectos Modernos do Porto, 1947–1952 Porto, Edições ASA, 1972.

Fernandez, Sérgio, Percurso: Arquitectura portuguesa 1930/1974, 2ª ed., Porto, FAUP publicações, 1985.

Rosa, Edite, ODAM: Valores modernos e a confrontação com a realidade produtiva (PHD tese, 2006), Publicação da tese em TDX, nomeada pela ETSAB, ao consórcio de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, 2010.

Távora, Fernando, “O Problema da Casa Portuguesa”, Porto, Cadernos de Arquitectura, 1947.

Tostões, Ana, Os Verdes anos da arquitectura portuguesa dos anos 50, 2ª ed, Porto, FAUP publicações, 1994

S/A “I Congresso Nacional de Arquitectura: Conclusões e votos”, Arquitectura: Revista de Arte e Construção, 2ª série, ano XXII, nº 29 (Feb./Mar.1949).

S/A “Tese ao X Congresso do CIAM, Arq. Viana de Lima, Fernando Távora e Octávio Lixa Filgueiras”, Arquitectura: Revista de Arte e Construção, nº 64 (Jan. /Feb.1959).