Grabrijan’s Memorial to Slovenian Modernity (1925) together with Marko Župančič’s tombstone to his father, the poet Oton Župančič (1955). The composition as a whole is asymmetrical and has a modernistic expression. © Nataša Koselj, 2023.
Origins of Modernity: Plečnik and Grabrijan

Architecture between the Classical Canon and Structural Honesty





Memorial to Slovenian Modernity, Jože Plečnik, Dušan Grabrijan, Juraj Neidhardt


The first part of this research is based on the analysis of several articles published by Dušan Grabrijan in the late 1940s and early 1950s, his book Plečnik in njegova šola (Plečnik and His School), and the analysis of Grabrijan’s teaching method rooted in Auguste Choisy’s book Histoire de l’architecture (Choisy, 1899), published as a study script. The book Plečnik in njegova šola (Grabrijan, 1968) is based on Grabrijan’s published and unpublished texts, some of which were originally written during his WWII imprisonment. It attempts to critically contextualize, evaluate, and present Plečnik’s work. The book was edited by his wife, Prof. Nada Grabrijan, and published posthumously in 1968.
One of the first three of Plečnik’s graduates, Dušan Grabrijan, is the author of the Memorial to Slovenian Modernity in Ljubljana Žale Cemetery (dedicated to Ivan Cankar, Dragotin Kette, and Josip Murn, with Oton Župančič’s memorial added later, designed by his son, architect Marko Župančič), built between 1924-25 as a result of a winning student competition in Plečnik’s seminar. The memorial was commissioned and funded by Milena Rohrmann. The composition is tripartite, with a reference to Mount Triglav, consisting of three joint columns, of which Ivan Cankar is the tallest and placed in the center. The memorial follows Plečnik’s design principles.
The final part of the paper will examine Plečnik’s modernity and his classical yet modern understanding of the architectural discipline, his ‘flexible classicism’ with his inventiveness, playfulness, daring upcycling, experimentation with materials, forms, and structures, all within the frame of highly developed local crafts, not industry. Indeed, the building industry only really developed after WWII in socialist Yugoslavia. Dušan Grabrijan and Juraj Neidhardt were among the first architects in the region to face the new challenges in architecture. They were trying to answer the new questions: How to connect the new role of an architect, industrialization, and new social needs with the mosaic of local cultures, contexts, and communities, and how to apply Plečnik’s human scale to the modernist architecture of the Balkans?

How to Cite

Koselj, N. (2024). Origins of Modernity: Plečnik and Grabrijan: Architecture between the Classical Canon and Structural Honesty. Docomomo Journal, (72), 32–39.




Author Biography

Nataša Koselj

is an architect and Associate Professor with a PhD (2003, University of Ljubljana) on post-war architecture in Slovenia. She completed MARC2002 MoMo conservation course in Finland and did part of her PhD studies at Oxford Brookes University. Since 2004, she has been serving as Chair of Docomomo Slovenia. In 2008, she was a guest researcher at the Docomomo International Headquarters, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine in Paris as a member of the ISC/Registers. She curated numerous exhibitions, published over 200 articles and books (she wrote the chapter ‘The Balkans and Greece’ in Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, 2020), and was awarded the Plečnik Medal for her monograph on the architect Danilo Fürst (2014). Her publication, Architecture of the 60s in Slovenia (1995), represents a pioneering synthesis in the field. In 2018, she co-organized the 15th International Docomomo Conference in Ljubljana.


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