Roberto Burle Marx: Painting, Architecture and Landscaping in the Creation of a New Language for Gardens


  • Lauro Cavalcanti School of Design, Rio




Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Painting, architecture and landscaping have never been so well incorporated in one person as in Roberto Burle Marx. His painter skills enabled Roberto Burle Marx to apply deep thorough pictorial principles to the landscape, thus avoiding other approaches made by pioneers who literally transposed cubist or abstract art, which almost resulted in caricatures. His botanical knowledge allowed him to discover new species in regard to their individual beauty and to their proper integration in ecological environments, which provided adequate choices of harmonious systems in terms of their aesthetics and their good survival in the new garden habitat.

How to Cite

Cavalcanti, L. (2010). Roberto Burle Marx: Painting, Architecture and Landscaping in the Creation of a New Language for Gardens. Docomomo Journal, (42), 66–77.




Author Biography

Lauro Cavalcanti, School of Design, Rio

Architect, PhD in Sociology of Art, is the author of several books and essays on Brazilian modernism, among which When Brazil was Modern: Architecture 1928–1960 (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2003). He curated various exhibitions among them: Still Modern? Brazilian Contemporary Architecture (Institut Français d’Architecture, Paris, 2005), Oscar Niemeyer: 10/100 (Paço Imperial, Rio, 2007; Heerlen, 2009; Madrid, 2009), Burle Marx 100 Years: the Permanence of the Instability (Paço Imperial, Rio, 2008; São Paulo, 2009; Berlin, 2009). Lauro Cavalcanti lives in Rio, Brazil; he is professor at the School of Design in Rio and director of Paço Imperial, Cultural Center for Landmarks and Contemporary Art.


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