Reflections on Ukraine
World Heritage, modern heritage, tentative list, infrastructure, Ukraine, World Heritage, modern heritage, tentative list, infrastructure, UkraineAbstract
The article reflects on the status of modern World Heritage sites in general and in particular related to Ukraine, and the specific typologies of infrastructure and modern urban planning – both closely related to each other. The current war and the disastrous destruction of urban and civil infrastructure have again raised the question of its public perception, official recognition and national and international protection. Next to the internationally known Derzhprom complex, the cnstruction of Dneprostroj, the Dnipro Hydroelectric Station (DneproGES/DniproHES), the erection of a new industrial combine in direct proximity to it, and the new socialist city Sotsgorod—known as Zaporizhzhia—are impressive examples of urbanization and testimonies of the 20th century that need to be protected.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Thomas Flierl, Jörg Haspel

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