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Gosprom Ensemble in Kharkiv and the Concept of Modern Style






“production art”, modern style, constructivist stylizations, the architectural ensemble of the House of State Industry (Gosprom), the House of Projects and the House of Cooperation in Kharkov, mechanism for the development of modern style


The ideologists of Constructivism and “production art” of the 1920s put forward the slogan “not style, but method!”. However, the Constructivists-“productionists” movement carried a stylistic charge of great power. The intentions of the Constructivists-“productionists”, their manifestos and slogans are polemically pointed evidence of their awareness of their own place in the Soviet culture of the 1920s. Creative practice continued the development of a certain artistic tradition. It is necessary to reconstruct the development of the problem of style in the concept of “productionists” as a natural and historically determined stage of the movement. The manifestation of the rejection of the idea of style in artistic creativity in the concept of “production art” paradoxically corresponds to its specific conditions in setting the task of creating and identifying the mechanism for the development of modern style. They are analyzed in the article.
The “anti-stylistic” orientation of “production art” was paradoxically opposed to the orientation towards a “Constructivist style”. In the late 1920s, it covered a wide range of architects and artists who did not belong to the Constructivist movement and who opposed them. In this regard, the fate of several outstanding monuments of the Modern Movement in the architecture of Kharkiv is indicative — the House of State Industry (Gosprom), the House of Projects and the House of Cooperation. They were the largest and most integral ensemble in their architectural and compositional solution, which embodied the ideas of the Modern Movement in Soviet architecture. The reconstruction of the ensemble after the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) showed the contradictions that were embedded in the Constructivist concept of the modern style. The duality of understanding the art form in it was revealed. On the one hand, it acted as an independent stylistic entity. On the other hand, it could also be considered as a framework, a “draft” of some further work with the form. The concept of modern style defended by the “productionists” was problematized by the practice of “Constructivist stylizations”.

How to Cite

Shilo, A. V. (2024). Gosprom Ensemble in Kharkiv and the Concept of Modern Style. Docomomo Journal, (70), 18–26. https://doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.70.03




Author Biography

Alexander V Shilo, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

was born in Ukraine, 1960. He is an Architect, ScD of Art History, professor at A.N.Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the history and theory of culture, fine arts, architecture and design of the 19th-21st centuries.


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