Interdisciplinarity and experiences in documentation and preservation of recent heritage. June 2nd to 11th, 2011 — Brasilia, Brazil
The 9th docomomo Brazil Conference had as chief subject Interdisciplinarity and experi- ences in documentation and preservation of recent heritage and was opened with a tribute to Brazilian architect José Galbinski, author of several Brasilia’s modern masterpieces. As key lecturers, it was honored with the presence of docomomo International Chair Ana Tostões (IST, Universidade Técnica, Lisboa), docomomo US President Theodore Prudon (Columbia University, New York), Mário Mendonça (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador), Luis Mauro Freire (Escola Da Cidade, São Paulo), Cyro Correa Lyra (National Monuments, Rio de Janeiro), Alfredo Gastal (National Monuments, Brasília), Alfonso Corona Martínez (Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires), Jorge Silvetti (Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass.). The two latter also integrated, along with docomomo Chile President Horacio Torrent, the special round table Brasília and the modern monumentality, chaired by docomomo Brazil President Carlos Eduardo Dias Comas.