Is Aalto just a name for a brand?

International docomomo Workshop - August 2–7, 2012


  • Olli Hakanen
  • Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen
  • Tommi Lindh
  • Aino Niskanen



The Helsinki University of Technology got its present placement and layout in Otaniemi with Alvar Aalto ́s competition winning entry from 1948. Aalto ́s red brick buildings freely grouped in the middle of green revolving around the focus of a Greek theatre, the main auditorium, soon became landmarks of modern architecture. The group of buildings was complete to start as a functioning campus university in the mid–1960s with student housing surrounding the educational buildings. The area has during the decades got additions and alterations but the main features have however re- mained fairly intact.

How to Cite

Hakanen, O., Jetsonen, S., Lindh, T., & Niskanen, A. (2022). Is Aalto just a name for a brand? International docomomo Workshop - August 2–7, 2012. Docomomo Journal, (47), 92–93. Retrieved from


