Expansion & Conflict

13th International docomomo Conference - Seoul, Korea, 2014


  • Zara Ferreira



T!e 13th International docomomo Conference took place in Seoul, Korea, between 24 and 27 September 2014. Jong Soung Kimm, Chair of the 13th International docomomo Conference, explains that “after much soul-searching, ‘Expansion and Conflict’ was agreed as the theme by the organizers, and was presented at the Helsinki conference in 2012. Jong Soung stresses that “the keyword in the theme is ‘conflict’, and that word at one point was put forward as the lead of the catch phrase. Not as a pejorative word, “conflict” was used as a challenge to invoke a critical dialogue about the diasporas of the Modern Movement: how it has extended and taken root in various cultures and generations as well as how there has been conflict, if any, during this process, as explains Tae Woo Kim, Chair of docomomo Korea.

How to Cite

Ferreira, Z. (2022). Expansion & Conflict: 13th International docomomo Conference - Seoul, Korea, 2014. Docomomo Journal, (51), 89–91. Retrieved from https://docomomojournal.com/index.php/journal/article/view/404


