Bresciani Valdés Castillo y Huidobro, Unidad Vecinal Portales, Santiago, Chile, 1958-1968. Pedestrian square contained between the buildings and houses. © René Combeau, 1960, Archivo de Originales slgm. fadeu puc
Housing explorations. Unidad Vecinal Portales in Santiago





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing, Post-war housing, Welfare architecture, Mass housing, Santiago modern architecture, Unidad Vecinal Portales, Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo y Huidobro, Restoration of modern architecture


This article explores the contribution of Unidad Vecinal Portales – built in Santiago de Chile by the studio Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo y Huidobro – to the debates on social housing in Chile between the 1940s and 1960s. A series of radical decisions, put into action in the complex, demonstrate a deep exploration at the urban, typological, and aesthetic levels. This exploration has given life to an important case study in Chile and Latin- America, where urban and architectural challenges of the second half of the 20th century blend harmoniously.

How to Cite

Bonomo, U. (2021). Housing explorations. Unidad Vecinal Portales in Santiago. Docomomo Journal, (65), 22–27.




Author Biography

Umberto Bonomo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Architect (IUAV, 2004), Phd in Architecture and Urban Studies (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 2009). He works on social housing and heritage and is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and Director of the UC Cultural Heritage Center.


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