Tetouan Modern Challenge 1912–2012 Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa and the Housing Question

Exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal


  • Alejandro Muchada



Spanish colonial architecture in Africa constitutes an expanding field of research. With a variety of cultural activities devoted to disseminating its knowledge to the general public in the last few years, those taking place in former Spanish colonies remain scarce. Among the initiatives to reverse this situation, was the oðcial opening, on Friday, December #th #à%, of the exhibition Tetouan Modern Challenge 1912–2012. Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa and the Housing Question, in Larache (Morocco).

How to Cite

Muchada, A. (2022). Tetouan Modern Challenge 1912–2012 Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa and the Housing Question: Exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. Docomomo Journal, (52), 90. Retrieved from https://docomomojournal.com/index.php/journal/article/view/399


