Tourist towns in Languedoc-Roussillon: projects and discourse for mass tourism





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Greenfield tourist towns in Languedoc-Roussillon, built in the 1960s, are some of the best examples of the application of modern principles in the production of architecture and space for mass tourism. Contributions of the Modern Movement in the construction of tourist facilities are thus exposed through the analysis of the theoretical proposals put into practice by Georges Candilis and Jean Balladur, modern architects of the third generation in France, in two of the tourist projects on the Languedoc-Roussillon coastline: La Grande-Motte and Port Leucate-Barcarès.

How to Cite

Lopéz, I. M. (2019). Tourist towns in Languedoc-Roussillon: projects and discourse for mass tourism. Docomomo Journal, (60), 50–57.




Author Biography

Izol Marez Lopéz, Autonomous University of Sinaloa

(b. Mazatlán, Mexico, 1969) Studied Architecture and completed her Master’s degree in Urban Development in Mexican universities. PhD in Urban Planning at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Since 1994, she has worked as a professor in the Bachelor’s degree of Architecture at the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS).


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