Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housingAbstract
It was an event that rarely happens in this part of the world: the construction of a brand-new capital city in a country which was not famous for its achievements in city building. Furthermore, it was in a country ravaged by WWII, rural and mostly agricultural, with modest industrial capacities. Today, 70 years after the beginning of its construction, New Belgrade is still one of the most contentious topics of architecture and urban planning in Serbia. It is the most beloved and the most hated, biggest success story and biggest failure, most beautiful and ugliest architecture of the city — all at the same time. It is not just a question of contested beauty: like many other post-war cities based on the Athens Charter, New Belgrade is a vast infrastructurally equipped urban territory, soaked in conflicted interests and interpretations of its past and its future. As we approach the saturation point of its available construction land — at least per original and many consecutive plans — the question of its future development, its reconstruction and/or restoration is looming out of every document and every conversation about New Belgrade.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jelica Jovanović

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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