Edvard Ravnikar and The Heart of the City. The genesis of cultural centers in Slovenia and in ex-Yugoslavia






Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


This article discussess Cankarjev Dom and Republic Square in Ljubljana, Slovenia, by Edvard Ravnikar with the focus on three stage of the genesis of cultural centers in Slovenia, starting with the pre-war Slovenian cultural centers by Max Fabiani, Danilo Fürst and Gustav Trenz. The second phase is represented by the cultural centers of the architects Oton Gaspari, Marko Župančič and Emil Navinšek from the 1950s built in the Slovenian industrial towns of Trbovlje, Velenje, and Zagorje, and the third phase by Edvard Ravnikar and his students such as Biro71 and Marko Mušič from the late 1970s and early 1980s built in Ljubljana, Skopje (Macedonia) and Kolašin (Montenegro).

How to Cite

Koselj, N. (2018). Edvard Ravnikar and The Heart of the City. The genesis of cultural centers in Slovenia and in ex-Yugoslavia. Docomomo Journal, (59), 54–59. https://doi.org/10.52200/59.A.B3CK6W9A




Author Biography

Nataša Koselj, University of Ljubljana

Freelance architect and chair of docomomo Slovenia. She holds a PhD on post-war Slovenian architecture, the academic rank of assistant professor, and is an external lecturer at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture. In 2014 she was awarded the Plečnik‘s Medal for her book on the architect Danilo Fürst.