The Verseidag Silk Factory in Krefeld. Architectural History and Restoration of a much-neglected Mies van der Rohe Project





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Although the buildings for the Verseidag silk factory, in Krefeld, Germany, are the only factory buildings that Mies van der Rohe ever planned and built (1931-38), many open questions remain about the history and development of the site. The paper presents new research results on the architectural history and materiality of the site that are derived from detailed documentation on site and analysis of newly available archive material. The scientific results and the acquired knowledge directly influence the current restoration of the buildings, in which the key characteristics designed by Mies van der Rohe are preserved and restored.

How to Cite

Hanenberg, N., & Lohmann, D. (2017). The Verseidag Silk Factory in Krefeld. Architectural History and Restoration of a much-neglected Mies van der Rohe Project. Docomomo Journal, (56), 16–25.




Author Biographies

Norbert Hanenberg, RWTH Aachen University

Architecture Studies at RWTH Aachen and University of the Arts in Berlin. Freelance architect since 2005 in Vienna (until 2014) and Aachen. Scientific researcher and lecturer for Design and Construction at RWTH Aachen University (2001-2013). Professor for Design and Construction at OWL University of Applied Sciences in Detmold, Germany (2015-2016). Professor for Design and Construction at THM University of Applied Sciences in Gießen, Germany (since 2016).

Daniel Lohmann, TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences

Architecture studies at RWTH Aachen and Edinburgh College of Art. Freelance architect in documentation and conservation since 2004. Research grant of the German Archaeological Institute (2006-2009). PhD degree from BTU Cottbus University (2015). Scientific researcher and lecturer for conservation and documentation at RWTH Aachen University (2009-2017). Professor for the History of Architecture at TH Koeln University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, Germany (since 2017).


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