The Controversial History of the “Steel and Glass” by Lods, Depondt and Beauclair. The GEAI Housing Estate La Grand’Mare in Rouen (1968–2016)





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Marked by numerous setbacks, the history of the GEAI housing estate La Grand'Mare in Rouen is troubled, even highly controversial. It clearly epitomizes the twists and turns in the debate over the preservation of postwar architecture, whose “industrialized” (often meaning “experimental”) dimension, is mistakenly made the excuse for its demolition. This is exemplified by the uncertain future of this now badly amputated pioneering housing complex, designed by Marcel Lods and his fellow architects.

How to Cite

Marino, G. (2016). The Controversial History of the “Steel and Glass” by Lods, Depondt and Beauclair. The GEAI Housing Estate La Grand’Mare in Rouen (1968–2016). Docomomo Journal, (54), 28–35.




Author Biography

Giulia Marino, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Master degree in architecture from the University of Florence and a PhD in architecture from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2007 she has been a teacher and scientist at the Laboratory of Techniques and Preservation of Modern Architecture at the EPFL (http://tsam. She is Vice-President of docomomo Switzerland and a member of the Swiss Heritage Society.


“Le GEAI Rouen”, Paris, Revue du CIMUR, No. 37, 1969, 3–14.

“Le GEAI Rouen”, Paris, Revue du CIMUR, No. 38, 1969, 3–19.

“Une réalisation recente de Marcel Lods un des précurseurs de l’architecture industrielle”, L’OEil, 179, 1969, 60–64.

LODS, Marcel, “Une expérience de 500 logements H.L.M. à Rouen dans la Z.U.P. de la Grand’Mare”, Paris, Techniques et Architecture, Vol. 29, No. 5, 1968, 61–71.

Quel avenir pour les logements Lods dans le quartier de la Grand’Mare à Rouen?,

report No. 007921–01 of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing and of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, headed by Christian Queffélec and Jean-Arnaud Calgaro, 25 August 2011.

UYTTENHOVE, Pieter, Marcel Lods, Action, Architecture, Histoire, Paris, Verdier, 2009.