Georges Addor’s Housing Complexes: an Observatory on the Conservation of “Large-Scale” Heritage





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


The timeliness of swiss architect Georges Addor's oeuvre is indeed vast and heterogeneous. Illuminated by a few successful operations, which should be showcased as such, the picture is, however, highly nuanced, since many questionable conversions have hurriedly followed each other in recent years. The broader reflections on the methods and techniques of preservation of the contemporary heritage that emerge from the current relevance of Georges Addor's work appear to be decisive; extended to a broader production, they deserve to be addressed without delay

How to Cite

Marino, G. (2016). Georges Addor’s Housing Complexes: an Observatory on the Conservation of “Large-Scale” Heritage. Docomomo Journal, (54), 10–15.




Author Biography

Giulia Marino, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Master degree in architecture from the University of Florence and a PhD in architecture from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2007 she has been a teacher and scientist at the Laboratory of Techniques and Preservation of Modern Architecture at the EPFL (http://tsam. She is Vice-President of docomomo Switzerland and a member of the Swiss Heritage Society.


“Groupe HLM à Genève”, Paris, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’Hui, 1954, 58–59.

“Parc de Budé, Genève”, Chaux-de-Fond, Anthos: une Revue pour le Paysage, 1964, 29–38.

GRAF, Franz (ed.), DELAUNE PERRIN, Mélanie, MARINO, Giulia, Addor Architecte, Genève, MétisPresses, 2015.

GRAF, Franz, MARINO, Giulia, “Modern and Green: Heritage, Energy, Economy”, Barcelona, Docomomo Journal, No. 44, 2011, 32–39.

GRAF, Franz, MARINO, Giulia, La Cité Meyrin (Genève, 1960-1964) : Étude d’amélioration Thermique des Façades, Report EPFL–ENAC–TSAM, Lausanne, 2010.

MARINO, Giulia, “Actualité de l’oeuvre de Georges Addor”, in Un Regard sur la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Contemporain à Partir d’un Corpus d’exception, Addor Architecte, Geneva, MétisPresses, 2015, 356–379.

MARINO, Giulia, “Il plan de site come strumento di tutela dei quartieri residenziali del secondo Novecento. Il caso ginevrino”, F. Albani, C. Di Biase (eds), Architettura Minore del XX secolo. Strategie di tutela e intervento, Bologna, Maggioli, 2013.

MARINO, Giulia, “Monument der späten Moderne. Die Grosssiedlung Le Lignon in Genf”, Tec21, 2013, 16–20.

PAYOT, Louis, “Cité satellite de Meyrin”, Zurich, Bulletin technique de la Suisse romande, 1964, 71–73.