South of Cancer: Modern Architecture’s Tropical Diasporas





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Over twenty years ago in the shadows of an architectural conference in the USA several of us from outside the American/European axis left early, finding the mainstream presentations and discussions boring, predictable and stuck in the ruts of well-worn paths. We were aware that in the wider world genuinely new ideas were emerging with rich traditions at play, altogether less constrained by self-conscious architectural production. We were keen to find a name for these new approaches emerging across latitudes below the Tropic of Cancer and settled on “South of Cancer” as a suitable catch-all for these diverse tendencies.

How to Cite

Guedes, P., & Widodo, J. (2021). South of Cancer: Modern Architecture’s Tropical Diasporas. Docomomo Journal, (63), 4–5.




Author Biographies

Pedro Guedes, University of Queensland

(Johannesburg, 1948) Senior Lecturer University of Queensland. Studied architecture at Cambridge, practiced in London and invited to join Pentagram Design. Unit Master at the AA and Course Leader in Architecture at the Royal College of Art. Research interests include the architectures of encounter between cultures across the globe.

Johannes Widodo, National University of Singapore

Professor (National University of Singapore). Affiliations: docomomo (Macau and Singapore), Singapore Institute of Architects, mAAN (modern Asian Architecture Network), Asian Academy for Heritage Management, UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation jury, ICOMOS ISC, ICOMOS National Committee (Indonesia and Singapore) and iNTA.