From Industrial Site to University Campus. Sümerbank Kayseri Textile Factory





Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Even though Turkish Modernization in the 20th century was explained as a political revolution, it dealt much more with the transformation of space and social identity. As a result, the Turkish State built several industrial sites in Anatolian cities to strengthen their urban and social development.

How to Cite

Asiliskender, B. (2013). From Industrial Site to University Campus. Sümerbank Kayseri Textile Factory. Docomomo Journal, (49), 86–89.





Documentation Issues


Author Biography

Burak Asiliskender, Abdullah Gül University

Burak Asiliskender (Architect, MSc, PhD) is an Associate Professor at Abdullah Gül University, and the head of the Department of Architecture. He is also one of the co–founders of Argeus Architects in Kayseri. He has been one of the international members of the docomomo. He has several papers, articles on Modernity, identity, space and place concepts, modernization and especially spatial reflections on Turkey and Kayseri at early times of the Turkish Republic, published national and international wide.


Asiliskender, B., 2002. Developing ‘Modern’ Identity On Architecture At The Early Years Of Turkish Republic: A Case Study Of Sümerbank Kayseri Cotton Factory, Master Thesis, ITU, Istanbul.

Asiliskender, B. 2005. Installing ‘Modern’ Life Style with Architecture, in DC Papelas, Revista Semestral de Critica

Arquitectonica, Departament de Composicio Arquitectonica, v.13&14, pp.216–223, October, UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Barcelona.

Asiliskender, B. 2008. Modernity and Housing; Spatial and Social Change in Kayseri by Industrial Enterprises of Turkish Republic, PhD Dissertation, ITU, Istanbul.

Boratav, K. 1989. Türkiye Iktisat Tarihi 1908–1985(History of Turkish Economy 1908–1985), Gercek, Istanbul.

Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., Massumi, B. 1987. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, The Athlone Press, London.