The Vision of Utopia


  • Rossend Casanova




Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern housing


Designed in late 1932 by Josep Lluís Sert and Josep Torres Clavé, Casa Bloc is one of the paradigmatic works of these architects who represented the most active core of the Modern Movement in Catalonia, known as GATCPAC (Group of Catalan Architects and Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture), founded in 1930 echoing the Spanish GATEPAC. I use the word “paradigm” in the sense of a theoretical framework or set of theories. In fact, Casa Bloc was not only the first major social housing building in Barcelona conceived in functional terms but it also exemplifies the reception in this city of the notions of the Modern Movement and how the guidelines recently approved in the 4th CIRPAC Congress were applied.

How to Cite

Casanova, R. (2012). The Vision of Utopia. Docomomo Journal, (47), 62–67.







Author Biography

Rossend Casanova

Born in Barcelona in 1970, he is the DHUB (Disseny Hub Barcelona) conservator and he is in charge of the Collection of Product Design within the Department of Collections at the Barcelona Decorative Arts Museum. PhD in Art History from Barcelona University, he has specialized in late 19th and early 20th century Art History. Curator of the restoration of the Casa Bloc apartment–museum.


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Andreu Carrascal, “Els dissenys de l’arquitecte Llongueras per a la Casa Bloc”, Barcelona, INDE, COAC, January–March 2010, 24–25.

Rossend Casanova, “L’Habitatge 1/11 de la Casa Bloc. Un exemple de gestió cultural en un pis recuperat i museïtzat”, Barcelona, Butlletí XXV, Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, 2012, 187–201.

Casanova, Rossend. Casa Bloc. Dwelling 1/11. Barcelona, DHUB, 2012.

Mehlau–Wiebking, Friederike; Rüegg, Arthur; Tropeano, Ruggero, Schweizer Typenmöbel 1925–1935. Sigfried Giedion und die Wohnbedarf AG, Zurich, GTA, 1989.

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Vegesack, Alexander von; Remmele, Mathias, Marcel Breuer. Design and Architecture, Weil am Rhein, Vitra Design Museum, 2003.

Wilk, Christopher, Marcel Breuer. Furniture and Interiors, New York MoMA, , 1981 (exhibition catalogue).