Call for Abstracts: DOCOMOMO Journal Special Edition "Imperfect Modernism"
DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce a Call for Abstracts for a special issue of the Docomomo Journal, dedicated to research that showcases the geographical and civilizational diversity of modernist architecture, examining how it has not only witnessed key turning points of the 20th century—such as political and social utopias, technological breakthroughs, and aesthetic and social experiments—but also reflects the dual forces of globalization and a unified architectural vision on one side, and the struggle to preserve ethnic and religious identity on the other.
In this issue, we would like to address questions that reveal the reasons behind the vulnerability of modernist heritage, which consequently makes it imperfect. How have changing political conditions affected contemporary attitudes toward modern heritage, and what are the current practices for its preservation? What challenges and solutions arise when dealing with the rehabilitation or critique of modernist heritage? How have new societal needs influenced attitudes toward the technical condition of modernist heritage sites, which are outdated typologies that are expensive and difficult to adapt? What are the practices for documenting modernist heritage that is under threat of destruction or has already been lost?
In addition to contributions from invited international authors, we invite scholars with an interest in the topic to participate. We welcome articles, essays, interviews, books and reviews, and case studies that address the issues raised in this issue, focusing on specific projects, buildings, and initiatives, while also broadening its geographical scope. Submissions that explore modernist architecture in Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America, highlighting relevant questions, challenges, and examples, are especially encouraged.
This special issue is edited by Associate Professor Dr. Liutauras Nekrošius and Dr. Kateryna Didenko (VILNIUS TECH, Lithuania). Contributions will be selected for inclusion following a double-blind peer review process, with final decisions made by the guest editors in collaboration with the editors. The publication of this special issue is scheduled for release for the end of 2025.
Docomomo Journal is an open-access publication indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) at Please upload a 300-word abstract and a 100-word short bio to the Docomomo Journal platform by September 30, 2024: